Tag Archives: mythology

Dave Tripping – New York City

I am now midway through a family vacation to Canada and it’s been great to see everyone again. Paradoxically, it feels like it was only yesterday that we all got together and yet we instinctively know that it’s years rather than miles which separate us. But it’s all good.

And what with all the reunion-ing, I haven’t had much time to update my blog. But fear not, faithful reader, I had a spare day at my cousins’ house in Dundaszzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, so here’s the first exciting instalment of my travel journal. And it features a photo gallery of my quick three day stop-over in New York City, en route to Canada (there still isn’t a direct flight from the beloved country to the great white north).

Even though this is only my third or fourth time in NYC, it’s already starting to feel familiar. Yes, it’s over-whelming, thrilling, surreal, gruelling, delightful; but I am nevertheless embracing my informal citizenship of New York  by virtue of the generations of movie-makers, writers and artists who have made every aspect of life in the Big Apple part of the planet’s shared mythology.

One thing I wasn’t prepared for was the humidity – it was stinking hot, like a Durban in February. Still, it was a  real treat to pound the street, sweating freely, and making the most of my time in the city.

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